We are part of the 
Eastern Synod

Our new phone number is
01621 332537. If you have trouble getting through,
as an alternative, please try 07887 539343 



Always on a Friday in term time at 3.15pm

Our theme for this term is "Love"

Dates for 2024 
13th September  18th October  15th November  13th December
Dates for 2025
17th January  7th February  14th March 16th May  13th June

Messy Church is a different way of doing church for the whole family 

Please note that all children attending Messy Church must be accompanied by a responsible adult

Discover what it's like 
to be in the Family of God!

Paint a masterpiece

Enjoy a Snack

Chat and find friends

Get Creative with Arts and Crafts

Bible Story

All Activities are supervised

Come whenever you can 
You are never too late for Messy Church 

3.15pm Welcome snacks and activities 
4.15pm Bible Story 
4.45pm Food together (provided) 
5.00pm Close

but we welcome donations
towards the food and for 
craft materials

Messy Church is free

Please note that all children attending Messy Church must be accompanied by a responsible adult